Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today is the 5th day after the viral fever attacked my body!..really feel bad@office.I started coughing & all my bones so fatigue,lesuuuu....yah me in pain again but my mind was still think to go & do rpm class back 2 back!!hehehe,however all turn instead when my nose started with bleeded around 4pm@office!!so despres as i have to let go my "heart"!!!..without wasting time i made a called to my doc & make an appointment after work to this specialist hospital.. my blood was taken again & after 30 mins what i scared become true!!is what my office mate & friends informed me come out CHIKUNGUNYA!!!...1st time in my life i kena!!!...really scared but after the doctor explained it's not so serious...i bit cool down!..but..yeah there is a "but" from the doctor...i MUST :

1-REST to deal with acute joint pain.
2-Allow only Movement which low mild exercise tend to improve stiffness.
3 Avoid heavy exercise because is may exacerbate current symptoms..
4-Take medicine on time!!

Symptoms begin to appear within last 1 week but i'm not bother it as thought is normal...fever normal:). Initially symptoms include a sudden onset of flu-severe headache, chills, insomnia, fever, joint pain, nausea and vomiting....the worst was went benda ni serang TULANG..(here i cried).dayem pain!!

Thank God is detected early & now time to prevent it..i can do it & throw it away & will be back soon to normal routine!!!yeahhhh strong mind!!!...all because i want to kayohhhhh...:)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


yeah is 2nd day of fever!i woke up@4am in the morning!what the hell is going on??body quite hot & no choice other than forced myself to shower room to cool it down!..20 mins & dayem cold water..tahannnnnn...sejuk giler...,,then around 5pm wnet back to bad..& zzzzzzz..foohh lega...

Soon when the alarm "ting tong" time to go work!..even bit tired must go work..aduhh...sampai office...apa lagi bukan kerja.....tapi tidor!!tidor!!..tak tahan..jugak...dah la air cond ponya la kuat....5 jackets..still sejuk..takpe tahan...kebal...hahahaha..

Tengah duduk tengok email..tetiba masuk email minah serong ni...tajuknya.."RPM stuff on apa lagi ..ambik h/p tembak dia suruh buka bundle shop..haha itu bos i suruh cakap..wakakaka,,,tapi sempat jugak lar me rembat booked some of the stuff..cheaper mar..hehehe......balik test pakai

sharp 5.30pm bos called masuk meeting duhh..malas betol but no choice...po pet pet...habis meeting jam 6.15pm..apa lagi cabut pergi maxis masuk RPMC..hentam jugak even demam...duh when class started..track 2 dah rasa perit/very difficult to breath!!sempat instructor ni perasan i'm already "down"..sound "apa ni baru track 2"...duh...tahan jugak...really really hard..oxygen oxygen oxygen...mayb because took so much medicine!..but i hardly done the class with HR 95%...semput...;)

DInner!!bought "subway vagie".. even i'm not hunggry....push self ate it hardly ...& took up my vits & medicine....rasa sikit cergas..good......:)


Monday, May 25, 2009

Day with fever..

Today were the worst day for me...since am i just sleep...shower.sleep..shower..sleep until 1.30pm.. i took up the sleep pills which gave by the doc & terus..zzzzzzz

Cant remember anything until my eyes open around 4pm......body so weak because the fever attack my bones!!body jam!.slowly woke up & step foward myself to shower room & hang in there for 30 mins again!!..that was the 8 times i went into shower room!! under water to cold down the fever!..yeah is worked!...thank God!...

ermmm while looking to my stuff's to bring in energy back, i 'received called from my mom!!!yeah mom.instinct of a mother one can imagine how a mother@parent can feel that their child is sick ...parent is mom have bad instinct about me since saturday am!...yeah is true mom,i'm sick...but now i'm better. about 20 mins through the phones she asked me to come back hometown!no mom..i 'cant!have to work tmmrw!!..dont worry will take care my self!i promised her!!...thank you mom for your concern! you!!!.....

Hopefully tmrw the fever will gone & in the evening can go for cycling class @maxis & make the body sweat!!!..will be strong!!!!...

Body!.Body BOdy!

Dunno what goes wrong after i came back from gym on sunday body was so hips & thigh feld so heavy!Around 11.30pm i try to sleep & only managed slept for 1 hour!saw the watch at the wall showed already 12.30am!!!body so hot hot hot...

Yeah fever & migraine!!!i switched off fans,wear blanket,wear shock!!...what i try to do??make the body sweat!!!however no sweat at all!!yesterday night was my nightmare..fighting myself to hold the pains until morning!however i cant hold it more!!! i grab a shirt & walked to the nearest clinic with body really really shivered & that was around 4 am!!! i walked alone & reach to the clinic within 10 anggry with the doctor...!!!why??just gave me painkiller & fever tablets & aske dme to drink lots lots of water!!!!!met up the doc within 4 mins!!!what kind of doctor are you?????did't told me what wrongs & did't take my boy temprature???apa ponya doctor ni???duhhhh

Dayem!!*&^%*...what i hope was that the doc can gave me a sleep pills & an power injection to relief the pain but not happen as i aspect!hey do you know doc i cant sleep!!!you hear that ar!!!!!...

i walked back to home & reach @4.45am!!took the pills without any foods in stomach because i really cant hold & tried sleep &managed to slept another 1 hour & my eye open @6.30am!again??? head still headict..&..tak tahan so woke up & take shower!!!the pain bit reduce & my body suddenly started sweat!!!at last...thank god!!...

Until now i still dunno what actually happen that nigh?sepnjang malam tak leh tidor!!duh..1st time! i feel wanna to sleep so...gtg & zzzzzzz......

hopefully by today eve i will cover & can go for my w/out tmrw..& yeah for that will take lots lots of vits C......


Sunday, May 24, 2009


Yeah me back today to gym after get full day slept on saturday!.....treadmill for 30 mins &jump to leg press with weight 80p...50reps...boleh tahan...then jump to kick boxing fushion...ths class cant catch up much -"to fast to farious" with superb body combat rangers gal's..grace&chris....hehe farnie right the kick boxing class?

Habis class of kick..time jumped into pumping..whoaaa arrrr ...80% energy out..wanna to know y? because w/out without breakfast!!by 12am body started gave signal i'm hunggry!omg...Rush for shower then hang out@ chilli's!eat eat & eat..have some chit chat until 3.50pm!hahaha u both arr crazy lar chris&grace...stop buli me lar..pitty me a bit lar amoi..:)

what happend next??erm yeah time to cool down stomach & foods!so angkat kaki walked in KLCC..with everyone face look very sleepy.erm.."grace r u ok"?that my 1st questioned when saw her face so feel sleepy & same goes to chris too..hahah..wuts happend lor gals??so we decided to make the body wake up & lepak @starbuck around 5pm!..bit ok after that yeah.."but me nope!..i started feel very cold with my body.....a bit different..deep inside can feel dah kena dah..duh..fever& flu(non stop sneeze) in the LRT!...reach home & run to clinic..yeah confirmed fever & flu attacked without any signal!so fast!!buka gear 5 lari jumpa hit 38'C!but thank God not swine however tommorow must get check up again at hospital..!..;)thanx Doc!..will take more vits n hehehe as usual kena sound get REST!..duhh rest???erm ok will more rest starting june onward yeah dear doc!...

hey grace/chris check it out next time will load up the pix...hahah sure lots to see..hehehe...

sign off

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Challenge time's!-PT!!

Personal Training!yeah appointed tiger women to bring up my stamina!..can imagine her traning??yes@no?? thing to say about her is was really hard to see she put nice smiles on face while we met up !..the 1st day of trained was so hard to finished!was died on me!

All my bones goyang...duhh sakit betol..the next day bila sampai office..only God knew how my body rasa masa tu..sakitnya mak oiii...if joint class still can hold the pain but pT...dead!She so dedicated with her goal.!she have goal to make me RPM instructor through the training!..i salute her but yet i'm still looking to build up my confident towards that..deep inside my heart i want to go for it but..$$$$ not allow me right now...(talk bout it later)...continue with the pT journey yeahh...

pT....every time pT sessions very hard-1st day paling tak tahan bila buat plank..3 saat pun tak boleh tahan...duh...sigh..;)...just can say every time before pT i feel scared & unable to think what will the next challenge she will give.....4 early session was so hard to done however i can feel slightly changes in my stamina ..i can load up more in my rpm class& load weight in pump class..bit happy time here...:)...not only that but few gym buddy also noticed too that i loose lot of weight after the pT over...including my family,relatives & freinds!

Well 1st cycle of the pT finished with few mistake that i should't do!...i feel headict in one of my session@FF axis!& the sessions was cancelled!all because i refused to listen to her advised which was must get enough rest!..never rest between the session & always jump to class!...padan muka sendiri..sigh..never learned from it i did 2nd mistake! cut off my food ! did't eat properly& that turn out my body no energy by end of the workout@sessions!can imagine how was her face when she find out that????macam harimau...tapi dia patut marah pun..salah tetap salah....erm..
She never asked me to cut off my foods but just asked me to change my eating habits to healthy tapi kerana terlalu pandai nak diet sendiri padahnya hampir melangkah ke anoxeria!!!no point loose weight if by end of the day feel weak!!diet salah!...kerana tak paham makna DIET! balik buka kamus cari apa erti dieT bukan die!....

Her tortured through the pT was so mean to me.My stamina..stamina..yeah stamina really up...!cant imagine how i were before & after is nothing before pT & another word nothing before made her .thanks buddy...even i still far from my dream to be rpm instructor...!may b one day i will be there when my $$$$ is enough to go..i owe you...:)

My destiny will not stop here..will continue....

up coming 2nd superduper women....story...

journey continue

Here i'm again....sorry.. so tired went to zzzzzzzz & wake up!how raining!! make the weather cold & feel cool!erm hunggry but will go out afterward to find foods!...(tunggu hujan stop)-hehehe

As promised i continue my where were am i??oh ya my sister right?well because of her i started went to gym again & continue with rpm/b.step/pump...y i went..just to "through out cholestrol"...without any guide& at age 26 i still no interest to know about healthy life style!hear that..not at what point of my life???

Again met up the "tough lady" in rpm,other instructor such as peter,nick.jaz.jackson...well nothing much inspired me except veron cls's as i just enjoyed my w/out ...there was nothing much change in my life in 2006...just wasted time...the yearwithout changes!Zero! wasted!

I made a bit my mind to forced my self to go gym every day for all classes in early 2007.. by end of the day i feld sore/exhausted!without knowing anyone in the gym i did my own w/out until i start to close with some gym buddy (but no so close) just hai& by within few seconds chit chat..usually after rpm cls's...but end of the day i'm said because my weightt just drop sikit..dlm 15kg jer! some of my officemate & family notice i bit "small"..just bit ! so after that static at83 kg...!..!...susah betol...ponya lak banyak kelas masuk tapi hampa...y??ha..will let u know...

Early 2007 until middle-even follow lots of rpm/pump class nothing change!The Changes came after that..hahaha..bare in mind the superduper women class still follow yea until here came the 2nd pretty women in rpm!maybe God want give me 2nd chances to change before it too late!....erm happend in wed(cant remember which month but i think last year middle of feb)..this instructor requested me to stay after the class!huh?kenapa lakK??kecut perut...

Nak tau kenapa??ala biasa lar.."berjoget" atas basikal...dengan kata lain(monyet)...hehehehe..
same like what the tough lady..senang sebut nama jer..ha si veron cakap dulu...bouncing!

Joanne!yea...the pretty lady...her style coaching totaly different..she always conduct the class by knowing the members name & her passion toward rpm totally different.she asked me to jump on the bike & show all the ride technique to ride!wohhhh!Boom!..kat sini memang kaki/jantung,kepala semua jadi kaputtttt.mak oi..minah ni ponya resistance ...!..i just pretend smile that everything is ok tapi in my heart tengah...(*&^#)...hehehe..

After "1:1" torture time tu, went to changing room..i met up her again & just gave a nice &sweet smile to her as she looking to me...well day & time passed & i'm became closer with her & sometimes went hang out for drink after the class..macam-macam story dari seorang ICT headhunter & addicted to rpm & involved outdoor cycling !wow!orang ker robot?wakakaka..oopppss..hey quite surprised because the following week after rpm class she handover me a book!she gave me & asked me go back & read & the tittle is"JUST WHO WILL YOU BE".....a wonderfull books!

..From here my life style change!...introduced to her blog...i know what the mistake that i'm did even i work hard...her point was "strong mind & u are what u eat"!..yeah...@dalam bahasa...kekuatan minda apa pun boleh buat!......from here i made up my mind to have healthly life style..change it...!..

Great! Inspired with 2 women!! one like "tiger" & one like..ehemmm(mom)..but immortal one(psst jo' if u read ths blog please forgive me)..hehehe....both superB!.....

The times over very fast where every single day i cant miss out rpm class especially veron's& joanne class with add up some body pump class & yoga...boleh lar...slowly change my life style & my bounce in rpm bit less..tak ada jugak lar sometimes..hehehe...problem tetap ada...very time after class still feel no stamina!yeah zero stamina!

So what i did??i sign up PT with veron to bring up my stamina!!she no more teach any class after middle of 2008...!sad but must respect lar everyone decision...i'm still enjoy ride rpm in "mom" class...hehehe(she also going of for retirement) by end of ths june 2009!...nak jadi full pro rider kat atas jalan raya pulak...foohhh..respect...sighhh

Well bout PT??...let u know in next write...sign off nak makann.......

RPM journey...

2006....ever single day/week after kerja run to gym ...y?just only to joint my favourites cls...cycling..indoor cycling with awesome instructor & songs...same bike & same time very tues,wed &thurs...just kayoh kayoh kayoh..then part of that sometime joint others cls like body step/body balance..tapi semua hancur...half class turn out ..y?because i cant do it...pening,cant breath..big size women at 98KG!! you think i can do class???...
Here i still no any goal!just thinked that i'm still "OK"...hahahaha...actually "KO"....

But that was day unforgotten until today..if not mistaken in march! The lady i called "taugh women" get down from the bike while conducted the class & turn up my bike load!whats?why?...arghhh so heavey to pedal!omg... she gave signal to hold the my heart...i start to *&^%..(hehehe)..aduh apa pulak ni...feel mcm nak pengsan!...

After the class finished with heavey load, i run down to the changing room & almost wanna to scream out y she did that! answer...i took shower & went back with my thigh so pain!dayem..

The next day even i still anggry with her action turn up my resistance,i still went for the following day cls .i was @the cls a bit early around 6.20pm & jump on my normal bike back at the door...but after fews mins the "though lady" turn up infront of me & intro herself name...VERON!!!yeahhh her name!..macam tau jer i'm was anggry with her reaction yesterday..
surprised that she told me that i'm bounced like "monkey"..whats?monyet?bila masa pulak jadi monyet?? ermmm boleh tahan jugak sound by ths lady..sabar je lar...she just said if bounce on the bike it will injured my knee! macam tu kar??ok..paham...hehehe
After that cls start but well mcm biasa i'm still bounced on bike..y?because i cant hold the resistance & will turn down resistance if instructor tak nampak...hehehe with other word..TIPU@CHEATING!..yeah..i admit it...still elephant cant kayoh...;)

So habis class while going down saw the next door class have BP......thinking in mind can i do that? confident at all..with sad i walk to changing room...! balik makan & tidor..nothing change!...but one thing is sure...i'm suffering because of pain@my work place....

Well to make it short ..due to the pain i feed up & always skip from going to gym & give excused no time..hehehe..& one day one of my colik asked me y i waste my money to pay to gym if dont want to go?y?ermmm dunno whoooo..really dunno....hangging like answer...;) but the answer came out when i turn up to SJMC and visited my sister ....almost died because of high cholestrol & her nose berdarah!...if she bit ..just bit late arrived to the hospital ,maybe me & my family have lose her...sigh...but i'm gratefull that God gave her second chances to make my mind&eye open...and i decided to give my life a new life!....again to gym!here i put my own goals...without anyone know as i no confident yet with my self...shhhh

will continue.....

How I fall love with "rpm" 2007???

Not all orang suka kayoh basikal...they said is pain!...but me ...hahaha LOVE it...
wonder how i falls on it?erm...when recall back my memory back in 2007 yeah ..was in FF at 7pm cls...tak silap tu cls challenge minda betol...

If not mistaken class tu taken over by a "tough" lady after B.sim away...(lari pulak mamat ni )...boleh tahan handsome..hehehe

ok back to this lady,so serious face duduk atas instructor bike & looking to me!....she turn down from the bike & walked to me with serious face & say "hai".."your bike setting is wrong"...huh?really ar...she set up the bike for me & than feel much comfortable...if not before that always feel like lutut sangkut..kekekeke...

so harp 7am cls basikal bermula....foohh ths lady tak macam lady...she bring up the class super power..mcm masuk competition beskal..but end of the class how i feel?omg....cant say it...
CANT WALK!...SO PAIN!...pernah tgk "elephant naik beskal?"...i'm the elephant lady...i/m not shy to say that because i was a very "HEALTHY" that time!...cant ride the bike at all...feel my heart so hard to breath!....hold through the class because "terpegun" tgk tough lady ni conduct cls!superB....!!! 2nd time attended rpm cls..terus jatoh cintan...hahahah..y?i think you guys can know what the reason behind ths..:) keep thinking that time whose is ths lady???..power giler...

So habis class ..terus balik..jalan mcm kura-kura..kekekeke..balik control...can see right..i still no goal here...welll let u know slowly how i change my lifestyle life how i'm look like now...just wait...yeah...

The Begin...

Today...wake up morning..10am..body so pain & sore..realize that did't rest at all since last 2 week...busy with work& evening run to gym..pi mai pi mai tang tu jer...exhausted!so decided force self to rest at home...

Erm..while sitting on chairs my eyes dropped at a book given my rpm addict friend-long time tak baca buku tu...the i took it & read the book back within10 mins done read...from the book i decided to add up my life diary with add/write my own blog!...share my life journey with my freinds out there...

So to freinds out there who ask me to i am..slowly yea...sure will share how a big giant girls change her lifestyle to new journey...

catch again..:)