Saturday, May 23, 2009

Challenge time's!-PT!!

Personal Training!yeah appointed tiger women to bring up my stamina!..can imagine her traning??yes@no?? thing to say about her is was really hard to see she put nice smiles on face while we met up !..the 1st day of trained was so hard to finished!was died on me!

All my bones goyang...duhh sakit betol..the next day bila sampai office..only God knew how my body rasa masa tu..sakitnya mak oiii...if joint class still can hold the pain but pT...dead!She so dedicated with her goal.!she have goal to make me RPM instructor through the training!..i salute her but yet i'm still looking to build up my confident towards that..deep inside my heart i want to go for it but..$$$$ not allow me right now...(talk bout it later)...continue with the pT journey yeahh...

pT....every time pT sessions very hard-1st day paling tak tahan bila buat plank..3 saat pun tak boleh tahan...duh...sigh..;)...just can say every time before pT i feel scared & unable to think what will the next challenge she will give.....4 early session was so hard to done however i can feel slightly changes in my stamina ..i can load up more in my rpm class& load weight in pump class..bit happy time here...:)...not only that but few gym buddy also noticed too that i loose lot of weight after the pT over...including my family,relatives & freinds!

Well 1st cycle of the pT finished with few mistake that i should't do!...i feel headict in one of my session@FF axis!& the sessions was cancelled!all because i refused to listen to her advised which was must get enough rest!..never rest between the session & always jump to class!...padan muka sendiri..sigh..never learned from it i did 2nd mistake! cut off my food ! did't eat properly& that turn out my body no energy by end of the workout@sessions!can imagine how was her face when she find out that????macam harimau...tapi dia patut marah pun..salah tetap salah....erm..
She never asked me to cut off my foods but just asked me to change my eating habits to healthy tapi kerana terlalu pandai nak diet sendiri padahnya hampir melangkah ke anoxeria!!!no point loose weight if by end of the day feel weak!!diet salah!...kerana tak paham makna DIET! balik buka kamus cari apa erti dieT bukan die!....

Her tortured through the pT was so mean to me.My stamina..stamina..yeah stamina really up...!cant imagine how i were before & after is nothing before pT & another word nothing before made her .thanks buddy...even i still far from my dream to be rpm instructor...!may b one day i will be there when my $$$$ is enough to go..i owe you...:)

My destiny will not stop here..will continue....

up coming 2nd superduper women....story...

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